
These are some principles that I try to live by. They are not set in stone, but rather a work in progress. I try to keep them in mind and reflect on them regularly. While I don’t claim mastery and sometimes fall short, I believe in their importance and aim to embrace them.

  • Practice kindness.

    Treat others with respect and compassion. Small acts of kindness can make a big difference.

  • Seek variety and individuality.

    Try new things. Enjoy the diversity of life and people. Learn what you like and what you don’t.

  • Adopt lifelong learning.

    The world is full of things to learn. Keep an open mind and stay curious.

  • Emphasize value beyond monetary measures.

    Don’t make money the center of life.

  • Acknowledge the potential of everyday actions.

    Engage in various activities and interactions to create opportunities for small, impactful moments that can shape your or someone else’s life. The butterfly effect is real: small happenings can lead to significant change.

  • Embark on hardships.

    Embrace challenging tasks if they contribute to your greater goals or allow you to grow. Difficulties and hardships are no excuses for avoidance.

  • Be memorable for the right reasons.

    Aim to leave a positive and lasting impression on others. Be someone people remember.

  • Value open communication.

    Nothing changes if you do not say anything. Speak up and share your thoughts. Listen to what is on others’ minds. Be honest.

  • Commit to quality.

    When you care about a task, do it thoroughly. Pay attention to details, go the extra mile to understand every aspect, and strive for quality.

  • Act responsibly.

    Take responsibility for your actions and decisions, especially when they affect others.